Return To Monkey Island

Earlier in the month, I played through Return To Monkey Island on my new iMac. This was the first video game I’ve played in years, so this shows how much of a non-gamer I am that I’d use a Mac to play one.

Some spoilers for the Monkey Island games follow, so if you don’t want that, don’t read any further.

The Monkey Island series remains one of my most beloved childhood memories though, and I still remember how disappointing the ending to LeChuck’s Revenge was. It showed Guybrush and LeChuck somehow emerge from a carnival as brothers, and LeChuck is hinted at to still be an evil zombie/ghost. And we had Elaine on a rope waiting for Guybrush. When I played it, I didn’t have the internet to discuss the weird cliffhanger ending, but I later found out it was always meant to be that way.

So in Return To Monkey Island, we revisit that ending and it is explained…somewhat. I think the two kids are meant to be Guybrush’s son and his friend Chuckie pretending to relive the adventures of Guybrush and LeChuck. It doesn’t entirely make sense, but I imagine Ron Gilbert always intended the story to be a little weird that way.

The game itself was a lot of fun, but it felt a little short. Unlike a lot of fans, I didn’t mind the new art style. I’m happy I got to revisit Guybrush again after all these years. I don’t hold out hope for another one, but who knows, we could still get one someday.

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